Friday, 10 February 2012

06/02 Filming Session: Green Screen

As a result of the advice I had gathered from my teacher today I filmed with the green screen and the studio lights, this was the first time I had used this equipment so it was a very different experience and environment to film within.
Firstly we set up the studio lights, the most important element when using the green screen is to make sure there is no shadows in the shot, otherwise when dropping in the background image in the editing suite it will not be as clear and in some cases not work, therefore this is the a very significant aspect. The studio lights where placed at either end of the green screen without the diffuser on the bulbs to make sure maximum light was present.
When setting up the camera I made sure it was central and that the green screen was the only object in the background of the shot. I then filmed the main shorts which where the actor putting/using his rucksack, the African head mask, the drum sticks, the banjo and the flag. Theses where the elements the element of my rough cut which I felt were the most engaging and had a connection which the concept behind the advert, Child’s imagination being reflected into the music fest hence the service title ‘Imagine Fest’ and the slogan ‘Release the child in you.’
Following the advice of my teacher and my own improvements I used a variety of shots starting with a mid-shot and using close-ups to further the quality of the advert.  I also featured the shots from a different angle to develop the advert technically.

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